How to use ACOT function in excel

Description :
The Excel ACOT function calculates the arc-cotangent (or inverse cotangent) of a given number, and returns an angle, in radians, between 0 and π.
Returns the principal value of the arc-cotangent, or inverse cotangent, of a number.
Note: The ACOT function was only introduced in Excel 2013 and so is not available in earlier versions of Excel.

Syntax :
Arguments :
Note: If the number is a non-numeric value, the ACOT function returns an error value #VALUE!
Number Required.
Number is the cotangent of the angle you want. This must be a real number.
Note: To convert the result from radians to degrees, use the DEGREES function in Excel or multiply it by 180 / PI ().
Return value :
The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0(zero) to pi(π).
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